For years I have wanted this to happen. This being establishing this website along with great content and even more importantly great solutions and expertise to you, the business owner. But for whatever reason, it always got pushed into the background succumbing to other things, such as life showing up or other seemingly more pressing issues.

Well, not anymore. This IS terribly important to me. You see, I used to travel the entire United States and Canada, helping business owners, their teams and their businesses towards better results and in many cases turning their losing businesses around to successful business stories. It felt extremely pleasant knowing that what I helped them do and achieve changed their lives as well as the lives of those around them, including their families and the families of the employees.

But there was one very big problem with this.

I was just one person typically (sometimes I did bring in colleagues to help me out) and I could only help one business at a time. On top of that the lifestyle of traveling around that much is to say the least very special, and does come with a lot of draw downs too.

With an online presence through which I can present to you the same expertise and lessons that I would do in person to a business owner and his or her team, but via electronic platform using, text, video and tools etc., I can now reach so many more people all at the same time without anyone getting less, and I can even do it simultaneously or at the time that suits you, and not being restricted by my calendar.

That means I can help so many more people too, and that is what gets me really excited. The special feel that I get from knowing that what I helped someone with, really changes and transforms their lives and the lives of those around them, is indescribable.

The online platform, starting with this website is the avenue to make all of that happen.

The extra benefit too, is that for you, the price of admission becomes so much less too. When I was touring the States and Canada, my weekly bill would typically land North of $20,000 to which you would have the added expense of my travel needs, including flights, hotel accommodation, car rental and per diem, often adding another $2,000-$3,000 per week. The typical duration of such in person help would be at least 6 weeks, many stretching out way longer than that. The costs of course as you can quickly gather ran up, very high.

The value of course was very high, and a s business owner you understand the importance and often necessity of making investments now for a brighter future that will bring a larger return of investment (ROI) back.

Many of the businesses that I visited would not have been alive today without the help that I gave them and their teams.

But what if you could gain the same benefits and insights, but for a fraction of the costs?

That is what this avenue of an electronic platform can do. Videos, texts and downloads can bring you all the expertise to you and because the cost of work of making it all happen will be shared by many, the price of admission for the individual will be so much less. Additional benefits include that you can revisit all the material as many times as you wish and when it suits you.


The first of these programs is under way now, and to the few of you, who may be lucky enough to see this post in time, you can join the test group, who will gain access to it FOR FREE. Yes, that’s right, for a few I will make this first program available for free. I need the feedback that you can provide me, so I may improve the program even further and make corrections where you may feel something could be better explained or similar.

Please understand that I will not keep this free test group access open for long. I know this material changes the lives and not least the livelihoods of people and businesses. I know this material is powerful beyond how I could possibly justifiably describe it, so I have no qualms charging for it. However, in the spirit of service and showing my personal gratitude of having gained this expertise myself and seeing how it has transformed my life more than once personally, I will be giving away access to it for a few people and for a very limited time only.

To those who do not know me, let me briefly tell you a little about myself. My name is Mikkel Pitzner. I come from Denmark where I used to run the fourth largest car rental company, comprising many thousands of vehicles and over 200 employees. A business that had many complications and many specialized regulations imposed upon it. I became this company’s CEO at the young age of 25.

A few years later, while still running the car rental business, I bought my very first own business, Copenhagen Limousine Service. This was the largest corporate and oldest limousine service business in Denmark. I was scared stiff, seeing that the bucks stops with me and that I was liable for all results, good and bad. I was scared stiff because I had borrowed every dime to buy the business and on top of that, I had borrowed twice the amount it cost to buy the business, so that I could buy some new vehicles too to add into the business. But, after my initial 14 months with the business, and I had grown the topline revenues 3.5 fold and the EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) by an astounding 32 fold.

In 2008 I moved to the United States. It took me forever to obtain the notorious Green Card, and I did not get that before 2015. Seems crazy to me, even seeing this as I am writing this. But anyhow, with Green Card in hand, I now toured the United States and Canada. All over, seeing all kinds of businesses and helping their owners and their teams to better results, leaving with them lessons, insights and tools as to how to successfully run their businesses. My direct work helped many businesses on the brink of bankruptcies turn around and become successful even despite the aforementioned hefty investment with me being there.

The wok with all these companies (around 50 or so) helped me cement, but also structure my business acumen better into systems. And so this brings the ability for me to map out a great training system for business owners and their team, which is what I am bringing forth via the Pitzner Business Solutions website and associated platforms.


So back to the first program that I will be offering. This is all about the Cash Flow of your business. You know how important Cash is for a business. Without it you don’t have a business. Without an understanding of the Cash Flow of your business, you will soon enough feel the hurt and pain of the cash crunch you may inevitably be facing. In all likelihood you may already have been there or you may be there right now.

My first program will teach you everything there is to know about the cash flow in your business, and how you can predict it very accurately and manage it better. The program is accompanied by an extremely powerful tool to utilize in your business and training videos on how to use the tool. I have personally implemented this tool with the clients I visited while traveling all over the States and Canada every week for more than 2 years. I have made improvements to the tool I used then and I suspect I shall keep making improvements which you of course will gain the benefits of too. This works. This is so powerful.


Anyways, if you are interested in learning more about this program, then enter your name and email below.



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